Das große Michael-Ende-Hörbuch (The Big Michael Ende Audiobook)
The Big Michael Ende Audiobook brings together a colourful potpourri of fairy tales and stories that express the literary work and unique language of Michael Ende in many voices. Texts from well-known works such as Jim Button or Momo mix with lesser-known works such as Lenchens Geheimnis (Lenchen's Secret) or Die Geschichte von der Schüssel und vom Löffel (The Story of the Bowl and the Spoon). Texts from Ende's lyrical works – the wonderful Schnurpsenbuch (The Nonsense Book), Trödelmarkt der Träume (Flea Market of Dreams) and Die Schattennähmaschine (The Shadow Sewing Machine) – are also represented. An entertaining and stimulating audiobook to laugh, contemplate and dream about for the whole family.
- Unabridged reading
- Narrator: Otto Mellies
- Length: 239 min.
- Year of publication: 2015
- Publisher: Silberfisch