Aus den Aufzeichnungen des Traumweltreisenden Max Muto (From the Records of the Dream World Traveller Max Muto)
From the Records of the Dream World Traveller Max Muto – a story full of secrets and riddles, told by Michael Ende: In order to free the inhabitants of the island of Gronch from a letter plague, the dream world traveller Max Muto must come into possession of a rare dictionary. Max Muto sets off to the search with several companions and arrives in a mysterious city where strange things happen: The builders of the city are miraculously devoured by their own buildings ...
Originally published in the volume The Prison of Freedom, this story is now also available as a single edition.
Original Edition
Das Gefängnis der Freiheit (The Prison of Freedom):
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 256
- Year of publication: 1992
- Publisher: Weitbrecht
- Translations:
Chinese, Czech, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, Turkish
Single edition:
- E-Book, hockebooks 2014.
Current Editions
- Aus den Aufzeichnungen des Traumweltreisenden Max Muto
E-Book, hockebooks 2014.