Einer langen Reise Ziel (A Long Journey's Destination)
Home – what is it actually and why do we need it? This is the question asked by the boy Cyril in Michael Ende's mysterious story A Long Journey's Destination: For as long as Cyril can remember, he has been travelling through Europe with his father, a diplomat – from one grand hotel to the next. One day he meets a girl who is crying bitterly from homesickness. Homesickness, a feeling that is foreign to Cyril. He realises how much the girl misses her home and how happy she is at the thought of home. The more people he asks about home, the more important it seems to him to have one himself. And so he embarks on an adventurous search for something he can consider his home.
Originally published in the volume The Prison of Freedom, this story is now also available as a single edition.
Original Edition
Das Gefängnis der Freiheit (The Prison of Freedom):
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 256
- Year of publication: 1992
- Publisher: Weitbrecht
- Translations:
Chinese, Czech, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, Turkish
Single edition:
- E-Book, hockebooks 2014.
Current Editions
- Einer langen Reise Ziel
E-Book, hockebooks 2014.