Mit Michael Ende am Schreibtisch (At the Desk with Michael Ende)

Once Fantastica and Back.

Every child knows Michael Ende's The Neverending Story: little Bastian gets caught up in the story while reading and almost can't find his way out again. But hardly anyone knows that the same fate befell Michael Ende while writing. How could they? In a disenchanted world of so-called facts, there is no longer any room for convinced dreamers. Michael Ende didn't go along with that – even if his own journeys to Fantastica were always new adventures of life and death.
This e-book from the series Die Bibliothek der Wagemutigen (The Library of the Daring) takes you into Michael Ende's fantastic life story: spend an enchanting childhood and a dramatic youth under National Socialism with the dreamy artist's son, experience his scriptworthy breakthrough as the children's author of Jim Knopf and Lukas the Engine Driver and follow him to the Alban Hills near Rome, where Michael Ende loses himself in The Neverending Story ...

Original Edition

  • Author: Gernot Uhl
  • Format: e-book
  • Pages: 91
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Publisher: hockebooks

Current Editions

  • Mit Michael Ende am Schreibtisch
    E-Book, hockebooks 2018.