Momo und die Zeitdiebe (Momo and the Time Thieves)

Ein Spiel für das Musiktheater in zwei Teilen (A play for music theatre in two parts)

"When I am very still, with the stars above me, I sometimes feel very quietly lifted up and hear music from above in a wonderful way."

His fairy-tale novel Momo had only just been published when Michael Ende himself adapted the story of the Grey Gentlemen who steal people's time into a libretto for music theatre. Now published for the first time.

Original Edition

  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 84
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Publisher: hockebooks

Current Editions

  • Momo und die Zeitdiebe
    Paperback, 84 pages, hockebooks 2020.
  • Momo und die Zeitdiebe
    E-Book, hockebooks 2020.