Das große Michael-Ende-Hörbuch (The Big Michael Ende Audiobook)

The Big Michael Ende Audiobook brings together a colourful potpourri of fairy tales and stories that express the literary work and unique language of Michael Ende in many voices. Texts from well-known works such as Jim Button or Momo mix with lesser-known works such as Lenchens Geheimnis (Lenchen's Secret) or Die Geschichte von der Schüssel und vom Löffel (The Story of the Bowl and the Spoon). Texts from Ende's lyrical works the wonderful Schnurpsenbuch (The Nonsense Book), Trödelmarkt der Träume (Flea Market of Dreams) and Die Schattennähmaschine (The Shadow Sewing Machine) are also represented. An entertaining and stimulating audiobook to laugh, contemplate and dream about for the whole family.


  • Unabridged reading
  • Narrator: Otto Mellies
  • Length: 239 min.
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Publisher: Silberfisch