The Dream Eater
The princess Schlafittchen leads a wonderful life, because her father is the king of Schlummerland, the land of slumber. She has only one problem: Her perfect life could soon be over, as princess Schlafittchen has sent away the little dream eater and ever since then the whole country is plagued by bad dreams. In Schlummerland, however, the king is elected among the country’s best sleepers. A revolt of the people looms. What is there to do?
Nobody can advice her – until Schlafittchen’s father sets off on an adventurous journey and finds the terribly starved little dream eater. But will the two of them manage to return to Schlummerland in time? The operatic version of the “Traumfresserchen” is one of the most performed operas of the post war period sung in German.
Theatre Rights
- First published in: 1978
- Theatre rights:
Bühnenverlag Weitendorf GmbH
Poppenbütteler Chaussee 53
22397 Hamburg
Tel: 040 / 607 909-916
Fax: 040 / 607 909-22916
Contact person for performance permits: Juliane Lachenmayer
- Das Traumfresserchen (The Dream Eater) – A mucial play in seven scenes and six interludes.
Music by Wilfried Hiller based on a libretto by Michael Ende. Premier at 17 February at Bremer Theater.
Further Performances
- Individual dramatisations by each of the theatres.