Filemon Foldrich

Great thoughts are going around in the head of the wise Indian elephant Filemon Foldrich. Great as he is himself: The moon for example or the flowers. For small things he has no time – and none at all for the flies of the nearby dung heap. But the flies consider themselves the most perfect creatures in the entire universe. To prove that once and forever they are searching for an opponent, and none but the greatest will do. None other than Filemon Foldrich is supposed to measure his strength with them at dung ball shooting...
Norbert Nackendick (Norbert Fatnoggin), Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling (The Lindworm and the Butterfly), Filemon Foldrich and Tranquilla Trampeltrue were all set in music by composer Wilfried Hiller as “Vier musikalische Fabeln” (Four Musical Fables). The libretti were written by Michael Ende.

Theatre Rights

  • First published in: 1984
  • Theatre rights:
    Bühnenverlag Weitendorf GmbH
    Poppenbütteler Chaussee 53
    22397 Hamburg
    Tel: 040 / 607 909-916
    Fax: 040 / 607 909-22916
    Contact person for performance permits: Juliane Lachenmayer


Unpublished libretto 1980-82