The Goggolori

Farmer Irwing makes a pact with the goblin Goggolori: The mighty nature spirit is supposed to give him plenty of everything. In return the farmer promises to give him the first part of it all: Harvest, livestock – and happiness. When the goblin asks for Irwing’s daughter Zeipoth as his tribute the farmer refuses. His wife asks the healer Ullerin who has allies among the dark powers for help. A destructive battle of magic powers is about to start: Set against the background of the Thirty Years’ War, black and white magic as well as Christendom fight for his soul. In the end it is down to Zeipoth to rescue the Goggolori – but what will it cost her?
Since it was first published in 1984 Michael Ende’s story about the pact with the Goggolori is one of the most performed German sung operas of the post war period.

Theatre Rights

  • First published in: 1984
  • Theatre rights:
    Bühnenverlag Weitendorf GmbH
    Poppenbütteler Chaussee 53
    22397 Hamburg
    Tel: 040 / 607 909-916
    Fax: 040 / 607 909-22916
    Contact person for performance permits: Juliane Lachenmayer

Press Reviews

"With this play, Michael Ende has once more landed a major hit, a theatrical one this time, as it convinces not only with its language, but also dramaturgically. Action scenes change with poetic-emotional moments in a well-measured way, drastically rough humour sets its counterpoint against pagan-religious mysticism."
– Mittelbayerische Zeitung Regensburg

"If you take the whole thing as a theatrical event, a full, cracking, earthy, sturdy theatre – then it is a great hit."
– TZ München

"Unanimous cheers for a musical folk play. Once more we have serious scores full of earworms."
– Süddeutsche Zeitung

"A work of impressive effect."
– Münchner Merkur


  • Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz, Munich, 3rd February 1985. Director: Friedrich Meyer-Oertel, Conductor: Tristan Schick. Music by Wilfried Hiller.