Jim Button and Luke the Engine driver
Jim Button is a little black boy living on the tiny island of Lummerland. When Jim grows bigger, there is simply no longer enough space for everybody. Someone has to go, decides King Alfons the Quarter-to-Twelfth. But should that someone really be Emma, the locomotive of Jim’s best friend Luke? Jim cannot allow that. Together with the engine driver and Emma he leaves the island and sets off on the great adventure: Transparent trees, stripy mountains, apparent giants and dragons cross their way. In the end, however, Jim is not only able to solve the enigma of his birth; he also manages to free the beautiful princess Li Si. And even for their return to Lummerland a solution is found.
Picture of the performance on the left: Copyright © Düsseldorfer Marionetten-Theater
Theatre Rights
- First published in: 1960
- Theatre rights:
Vertriebsstelle und Verlag
deutscher Bühnenschriftsteller und –komponisten (VVB)
Buchweizenkoppel 19
22844 Norderstedt
Tel.: 040/52 25 610
Fax: 040/52 63 286
(Musical rights for the musical by Christian Berg included)
- Television/Puppet theatre:
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
(Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver)
Augsburger Puppenkiste. ARD, 15 October 1961 to 12 November 1961.
Further Performances
- Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
(Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver)
(Theatre premiere): Theatre for children Hamburg, 12 February 1970. Director: Eberhard Möbius. - Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
(Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver)
Version for spoken theatre by Theater der Jugend, Wien, November 1972. - Puppet theatre:
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
(Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver)
Düsseldorfer Marionetten-Theater, premiere: 9 October 2008.