The Lindworm and the Butterfly

The dragon is supposed to be a lindworm? Never ever! But what can he do, even if in his anger he eats the professor who claims such things. The Cabbage White, however, suffers from another reason: He is supposed to be a butterfly! Sick with fury the dragon lies in bed, while the Cabbage White wants to retreat to the desert and become a hermit. But luckily there is a simply solution after all that makes both of them happy...
Norbert Nackendick (Norbert Fatnoggin), Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling (The Lindworm and the Butterfly), Filemon Foldrich and Tranquilla Trampeltrue were all set in music by composer Wilfried Hiller as “Vier musikalische Fabeln” (Four Musical Fables). The libretti were written by Michael Ende.

Picture of the performance on the left: Copyright © Düsseldorfer Marionetten-Theater

Theatre Rights

  • First published in: 1981
  • Theatre rights:
    Bühnenverlag Weitendorf GmbH
    Poppenbütteler Chaussee 53
    22397 Hamburg
    Tel: 040 / 607 909-916
    Fax: 040 / 607 909-22916
    Contact person for performance permits: Juliane Lachenmayer


Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling
(The Lindworm and the Butterfly)

Music by Wilfried Hiller based on a libretto by Michael Ende. Stadttheater Regensburg, 11 January 1981, Director: Detlef Meierjohann. Conductor: Thilo Fuchs.

Further Performances

  • Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling
    (The Lindworm and the Butterfly)

    Version for speaking theatre by Katakombe Frankfurt. Premiere: Katakombe Frankfurt/Main April 1986.
  • Puppet theatre:
    Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling
    (The Lindworm and the Butterfly)

    Music by W. Hiller based on a libretto by Michael Ende. Director: Anton Bachleitner. Premiere: (together with Die Ballade von Norbert Nackendick/The Ballad of Norbert Fatnoggin and Die zerstreute Brillenschlange/ The Confused Spectacled Serpent): Rheinisches Marionettentheater Zangerle (now: Düsseldorfer Marionetten-Theater), 23 September 1982.