The Little Rag Puppet

The little glove puppet, made from colourful rags, has just one wish: He wants to make the little boy happy. The boy, however, discovers a new toy and throws away his old friend. For the little rag puppet a sad odyssey starts between dogteeth and litterbins. But luckily, when he ends up on the cart of the rag and bones man, the little boy’s grandma finds him. She makes sure he is returned to his happy owner. Only when the little boy thought his friend was lost was he able to realise his true value.

Theatre Rights

  • First published in: 1978
  • Theatre rights:
    Bühnenverlag Weitendorf GmbH
    Poppenbütteler Chaussee 53
    22397 Hamburg
    Tel: 040 / 607 909-916
    Fax: 040 / 607 909-22916
    Contact person for performance permits: Juliane Lachenmayer


Puppet theatre:
Puppet stage of Brandenburger Theater, 1997.