Von Schmetterlingen und weisen Elefanten (Of Butterflies and Wise Elephants)
(The Most Beautiful Picture Books of Michael Ende)
A wise elephant thinks about flowers and the moon, a butterfly is unhappy with its name, a teddy bear wonders why it is in the world, a bird courageously defeats a giant tyrant and the turtle Tranquilla Trampletrue reaches its goal step by step.
Michael Ende tells poignant, profound and timeless stories that make you think.
This volume brings together six of his most beautiful picture books: Filemon Faltenreich (Filemon Foldrich), Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling (The Lindworm and the Butterfly), Der Teddy und die Tiere (The Teddy Bear and the Animals), Ophelias Schattentheater (Ophelia’s Shadow Theatre), Tranquilla Trampeltreu (Tranquilla Trampletrue) and Norbert Nackendick (Norbert Fatnoggin).
Original Edition
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 192
- Illustrations: Daniela Chudzinski, Manfred Schlüter, Friedrich Hechelmann, Michael Bayer, Jochen Stuhrmann
- Year of publication: 2011
- Publisher: Thienemann
Press Reviews
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Current Editions
- Von Schmetterlingen und weisen Elefanten (Of Butterflies and Wise Elephants)
Hardcover, 192 pages, var. illustr., Thienemann 2011.