Picture Books
Here you can find the picture books written by Michael Ende
Currently there are no English editions available – so if you're an editor or a publisher, we would be delighted if one or the other of these wise and heart-warming stories sparks your interest!
Das kleine Lumpenkasperle (The little Rag Puppet), Stuttgart 1975.
Das Traumfresserchen (The Dream Eater), Stuttgart 1978.
Der lange Weg nach Santa Cruz (The Long Way to Santa Cruz), Stuttgart 1992.
Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling oder Der seltsame Tausch (The Lindworm and the Butterfly or: The Strange Swap), Stuttgart 1981.
Der Teddy und die Tiere (The Teddy Bear and the Animals), Stuttgart 1993.
Die Geschichte von der Schüssel und vom Löffel (The Story of the Bowl and the Spoon), Stuttgart 1990.
Die Rüpelschule (The School for Louts), Stuttgart 2002.
Die Vollmondlegende. Bilderbuch für Erwachsene (The Legend of the Full Moon. A Picture Book for Adults), Stuttgart 1993.
Die Zauberschule im Wünschelreich (The School of Magic in the Realm of Wishes), Stuttgart 1999.
Filemon Faltenreich (Filemon Foldrich), Stuttgart 1984.
Lenchens Geheimnis (Lenchen’s Secret), Stuttgart 1991.
Lirum Larum Willi Warum (Lirum Larum, Willi Why), Stuttgart 1978.
Norbert Nackendick (Norbert Fatnoggin), Stuttgart 1984.
Ophelias Schattentheater (Ophelia’s Shadow Theatre), Stuttgart 1988.
Tranquilla Trampeltreu, die beharrliche Schildkröte (Tranquilla Trampeltrue — The Persistent Tortoise), Stuttgart 1972.
Von Schmetterlingen und weisen Elefanten (Of Butterflies and Wise Elephants), Stuttgart 2011.