Phantasie/Kultur/Politik (Fantasy/Culture/Politics)

Protokoll eines Gesprächs (Record of a Conversation)

How can we create our future? The technocratic way of thinking in economics and politics demands its tribute. The imagination of the individual gets more and more sacrificed in the name of globalised conformism. Technically perfect organised mass murder and bureaucratically built terror organisations show: The questions that Michael Ende discusses in this book with the politician Erhard Eppler and the actress Hanne Tächl are more relevant than ever.

Original Edition

  • Authors: Michael Ende, Erhard Eppler and Hanne Tächl; with a preface from Roman Hocke
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 144
  • Year of publication: 1982
  • Publisher: Weitbrecht
  • Translations: Dutch, Japanese


Current Editions

  • Phantasie/Kultur/Politik
    E-Book, hockebooks 2014.