Die Geschichte von der Schüssel und vom Löffel (The Story of the Bowl and the Spoon)
There are two christenings to be celebrated today: The one of princess Praline and the one of prince Saffian. All the guests are happy and content – with the exception of the evil fairy Irrwisch, because she has not been invited. She wants revenge and a few extraordinary christening gifts are supposed to be of help in this. Good, however, that not everything works out exactly as evil fairies plan it...
Original Edition
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 64
- Illustrations: Tino
- Year of publication: 1990
- Publisher: Thienemann
- Translations:
Catalan, Danish, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Slovenian, Spanish
Current Editions
- Contained in:
Die Zauberschule und andere Geschichten (The School of Magic and Other Stories)
Hardcover, 272 pages, Thienemann 2008.