The Story of the Bowl and the Spoon

There are two christenings to be celebrated today: The one of princess Praline and the one of prince Saffian. All the guests are happy and content – with the exception of the evil fairy Irrwisch, because she has not been invited. She wants revenge and a few extraordinary christening gifts are supposed to be of help in this. Good, however, that not everything works out exactly as evil fairies plan it...

Theatre Rights

  • First published in: 1990
  • Theatre rights:
    Bühnenverlag Weitendorf GmbH
    Poppenbütteler Chaussee 53
    22397 Hamburg
    Tel: 040 / 607 909-916
    Fax: 040 / 607 909-22916
    Contact person for performance permits: Juliane Lachenmayer


  • Stadttheater Bielefeld, 11 October1998 (Opera with music and libretto by Claus Kühnl).

Further Performances

  • Play by Sven Wisser, Gabriele and Christian Beier. Premiere: Klexs Theater Augsburg, 1999.