Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling (The Lindworm and the Butterfly)
oder: Der seltsame Tausch (or: The strange swap)
The dragon is supposed to be a lindworm? Never ever! But what can he do, even if in his anger he eats the professor who claims such things. The Cabbage White, however, suffers from another reason: He is supposed to be a butterfly! Sick with fury the dragon lies in bed, while the Cabbage White wants to retreat to the desert and become a hermit. But luckily there is a simply solution after all that makes both of them happy...
Original Edition
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 32
- Illustrations: Manfred Schlüter
- First publication: 1981
- Publisher: Thienemann
- Translations:
Chinese, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish
Current Editions
- Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling
Hardcover, 32 pages, illustrated by Laura & Florian Fuchs, Thienemann 2021. - See also:
Von Schmetterlingen und weisen Elefanten (Of Butterflies and Wise Elephants)
Collected picture books, hardcover, 192 pages, Thienemann Verlag 2011