Norbert Nackendick (Norbert Fatnoggin)
oder: Das nackte Nashorn (or: The Naked Rhinoceros)
Norbert Fatnoggin is unbearable. With his terrible mistrust, he tyrannises all other animals in Africa. Where ever someone just wants to have some fun Norbert suspects treason and conspiracy. What can be done? The other animals have no idea – only Karlchen Klammerzeh, the oxpecker, has one. But can it be that the solution is to build the arrogant rhinoceros a memorial after all he has done?
Original Edition
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 40
- Illustrations: Manfred Schlüter
- Year of publication: 1984
- Publisher: Thienemann
Current Editions
- Norbert Nackendick
Hardcover, 40 pages, illustrated by Jochen Stuhrmann, Thienemann 2010 - See also:
Von Schmetterlingen und weisen Elefanten (Of Butterflies and Wise Elephants)
Collected picture books, hardcover, 192 pages, Thienemann 2011.